
Showing posts from January, 2021

SIARAD: Middle-Aged Virgin Prepares for Fringe

When I was planning SIARAD, my debut collection of poetry and prose , I wanted two things: a book that crossed boundaries and a beautiful work of art. Luckily for me, I found the people who made that happen. Bettina Kaiser art+design and the Spineless Wonders crew created a gorgeous work of art with a beautiful aesthetic. Kerryn Goldsworthy noted in the Sydney Morning Herald that "the design and illustrations are a precise fit with both the form and content of Reid's text."   And what of crossing boundaries? When the book went to print I had a vague notion that I’d like to record SIARAD as an Audiobook , and ‘wouldn’t mind’ doing it as a show. Possibly at Adelaide Fringe in 2022, I thought. Then Covid-19 invaded our world. A stressful time, to say the least. However, during lockdown I was able to use a Covid Support Grant from the South Australian government to make the Audiobook I’d been dreaming of. This is great! I thought. My book has crossed over from print into au

SIARAD Audiobook

I'm so happy to announce that my collection of poetry and prose SIARAD has been released as an Audiobook. Available NOW from:  GOOGLE PLAY | AUTHORS DIRECT | KOBO | SCRIBD | CHIRP |  Available in January 2021 from AMAZON AUDIBLE   Watch the Trailer HERE SIARAD, poetry and prose written and read by Caroline Reid   running time: 120 minutes presented by Spineless Wonders Audio sound design and production by Jeffrey Zhang   design and illustrations by Bettina Kaiser editorial assistance by Matilda Gould   SIARAD is a 34- track Audiobook in which Jeffrey and I tried pushing the limits of the form. We tried to get a flow and a soundscape that was a bit unconventional. We worked in different geographical locations (Jeff in Sydney, me in Adelaide) and shared the tracks in Google Drive. Lots of to and fro before it all came together. It was such a fun collaboration! We're both keen to get working on SIARAD, the Show which we'll be presenting in March 2021 as part of Adelaide Fr

Slow Art or Things that Move You

In 2015 I painted a canvas with swirls of red and orange, gold and white. I liked the movement of the paint but didn't much care for the end result. Five years later, after browsing through an old art journal, I began adding bold circles and swirls with a permanent marker; negative space opened up and suddenly I perceived the piece quite clearly. I knew exactly how to finish it. The piece is now hanging in my study, a kind of talisman for the year ahead.   I've always loved drawing, doodling and painting circles, swirls and spirals. These are the shapes that move me, that speak to me in some profound way. As we move into this new year, I set an intention to focus on these shapes. I am curious about what they will reveal. Already I have begun playing with ways that I can include them into my upcoming Adelaide Fringe Show , maybe in the set or the props I use. What shapes speak to you?