I Just Wanna Wish You Well

We Just Wanna Wish YouWell I had intended to write a cheery Christmas post but I put it off because I wanted to share a new poem that went live at Quartet Journal (USA) on January 1st. The poem is titled 'Mary Ruefle is Right: Menopause is Adolescence All Over Again', and it pretty well sums up my preoccupations in 2022. Quartet is an online journal of poetry by women fifty and over. I admire the work in Quartet very much, and am really pleased to have this particular poem accept in this particular journal. CLICK HERE to read my poem and all the other super poems in Quartet's Winter 2023 Issu So you don't miss out on the extended version of my updates, you can subscribe to receive my newsletters HERE. I send them out once a month or so. And have you heard Baker Boy's 'I Just Wanna Wish You Well' featuring Bernard Fanning? No? "Do yourself a favour" (as Molly Meldrum would say back in the day) and CHECK HIS MUSIC OUT HERE. Warning: You will p...